Source code for pyshk.api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Library to provide access to MLKSHK API. """

import base64
import datetime
from hashlib import md5, sha1
import hmac
import imghdr
import os
import random
import requests
import six
import time

    from urllib.parse import urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urllib import urlencode

import webbrowser

from .models import (

from .errors import (

[docs]class Api(object): def __init__(self, consumer_key=None, consumer_secret=None, access_token_key=None, access_token_secret=None, base_url=None, testing=False): if base_url is None: self.base_url = '' else: self.base_url = base_url self.port = 80 self.authenticated = False self.testing = False if testing: self.testing = True self.consumer_key = consumer_key self.consumer_secret = consumer_secret self.access_token_key = access_token_key self.access_token_secret = access_token_secret auth_list = [consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token_key, access_token_secret] if all(auth_list): self.authenticated = True # Set headers, client info for requests. # default_headers = {'User-Agent': 'PyShk v0.0.1'} # self.client_args = {} # self.client_args['headers'] = default_headers # Set up auth - TODO: # self.auth = None # if self.access_token_key: # token = { # 'token_type': 'mac', # 'hash_algorithm': 'hmac-sha-1', # 'access_token': self.access_token_key # } # self.auth = OAuth2(self.consumer_key, token=token) # self.client = requests.Session() # self.client.auth = self.auth
[docs] def get_auth(self, redirect_uri=None): if not redirect_uri: redirect_uri = "http://localhost:8000" authentication_url = ( "" "?response_type=code&client_id={key}&redirect_uri={uri}").format( key=self.consumer_key, uri=redirect_uri) access_token_url = '' if not self.testing:, new=1) authorization_code = input("Enter the code from the redirected URL: ") else: authorization_code = 123456 message = { 'grant_type': "authorization_code", 'code': authorization_code, 'redirect_uri': redirect_uri, 'client_id': self.consumer_key, 'client_secret': self.consumer_secret} data = urlencode(message) req =, params=data, verify=False) json_resp = req.json() print(""" {full_token} >>> Your access token is: {token} >>> Your access secret is: {secret} """.format(full_token=json_resp, token=json_resp['access_token'], secret=json_resp['secret'])) self.access_token_key = json_resp['access_token'] self.access_token_secret = json_resp['secret']
def _get_url_endpoint(self, endpoint): return self.base_url + endpoint def _make_headers(self, verb=None, endpoint=None, nonce=None, timestamp=None): normalized_string = "{0}\n".format(self.access_token_key) normalized_string += "{0}\n".format(timestamp) normalized_string += "{0}\n".format(nonce) normalized_string += "{0}\n".format(verb) normalized_string += "\n" normalized_string += "80\n" normalized_string += "{0}\n".format(endpoint) digest = self.access_token_secret.encode('ascii'), normalized_string.encode('ascii'), sha1).digest() if six.PY2: signature = base64.encodestring(digest).strip().decode('utf8') else: signature = base64.encodebytes(digest).strip().decode('utf8') auth_str = ( 'MAC token="{0}", ' 'timestamp="{1}", ' 'nonce="{2}", ' 'signature="{3}"').format( self.access_token_key, str(timestamp), nonce, signature) return auth_str def _make_request(self, verb, endpoint=None, data=None, files=None): if not self.authenticated: raise ApiInstanceUnauthorized resource_url = self._get_url_endpoint(endpoint) timestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timetuple())) nonce = self.get_nonce() authorization_header = self._make_headers( verb=verb, endpoint=endpoint, nonce=nonce, timestamp=timestamp) if verb == "GET": req = requests.get( resource_url, headers={'Authorization': authorization_header}, verify=False) elif verb == "POST": if data: req = resource_url, headers={'Authorization': authorization_header}, data=data) elif files: req = resource_url, headers={'Authorization': authorization_header}, files=files) elif data and files: req = resource_url, headers={'Authorization': authorization_header}, files=files, data=data) else: req = resource_url, headers={'Authorization': authorization_header}) if req.status_code == 401: raise ApiResponseUnauthorized(req) elif req.status_code == 404: raise NotFound404(req) elif req.status_code == 500: raise Exception(req) if self.testing: return req try: return req.json() except: print('returning req', req._content) return req @staticmethod
[docs] def get_nonce(): nonce = md5( str(random.SystemRandom().randint(0, 100000000)).encode('utf8') ).hexdigest() return nonce
@staticmethod def _get_image_type(image): if imghdr.what(image) == 'jpeg': return 'image/jpeg' elif imghdr.what(image) == 'gif': return 'image/gif' elif imghdr.what(image) == 'png': return 'image/png'
[docs] def get_favorites(self, before=None, after=None): """ Get a list of the authenticated user's 10 most recent favorites (likes). Args: before (str): get 10 SharedFile objects before (but not including) the SharedFile given by `before` for the authenticated user's set of Likes. after (str): get 10 SharedFile objects after (but not including) the SharedFile give by `after' for the authenticated user's set of Likes. Returns: List of SharedFile objects. """ if before and after: raise Exception("You cannot specify both before and after keys") endpoint = '/api/favorites' if before: endpoint += '/before/{0}'.format(before) elif after: endpoint += '/after/{0}'.format(after) data = self._make_request("GET", endpoint=endpoint) return [SharedFile.NewFromJSON(sf) for sf in data['favorites']]
[docs] def get_user(self, user_id=None, user_name=None): """ Get a user object from the API. If no ``user_id`` or ``user_name`` is specified, it will return the User object for the currently authenticated user. Args: user_id (int): User ID of the user for whom you want to get information. [Optional] user_name(str): Username for the user for whom you want to get information. [Optional] Returns: A User object. """ if user_id: endpoint = '/api/user_id/{0}'.format(user_id) elif user_name: endpoint = '/api/user_name/{0}'.format(user_name) else: # Return currently authorized user endpoint = '/api/user' data = self._make_request(verb="GET", endpoint=endpoint) try: return User.NewFromJSON(data) except: return data
[docs] def get_user_shakes(self): """ Get a list of Shake objects for the currently authenticated user. Returns: A list of Shake objects. """ endpoint = '/api/shakes' data = self._make_request(verb="GET", endpoint=endpoint) shakes = [Shake.NewFromJSON(shk) for shk in data['shakes']] return shakes
[docs] def get_shared_files_from_shake(self, shake_id=None, before=None, after=None): """ Returns a list of SharedFile objects from a particular shake. Args: shake_id (int): Shake from which to get a list of SharedFiles before (str): get 10 SharedFile objects before (but not including) the SharedFile given by `before` for the given Shake. after (str): get 10 SharedFile objects after (but not including) the SharedFile give by `after' for the given Shake. Returns: List (list) of SharedFiles. """ if before and after: raise Exception("You cannot specify both before and after keys") endpoint = '/api/shakes' if shake_id: endpoint += '/{0}'.format(shake_id) if before: endpoint += '/before/{0}'.format(before) elif after: endpoint += '/after/{0}'.format(after) data = self._make_request(verb="GET", endpoint=endpoint) return [SharedFile.NewFromJSON(f) for f in data['sharedfiles']]
[docs] def get_shared_file(self, sharekey=None): """ Returns a SharedFile object given by the sharekey. Args: sharekey (str): Sharekey of the SharedFile you want to retrieve. Returns: SharedFile """ if not sharekey: raise Exception("You must specify a sharekey.") endpoint = '/api/sharedfile/{0}'.format(sharekey) data = self._make_request('GET', endpoint) return SharedFile.NewFromJSON(data)
[docs] def like_shared_file(self, sharekey=None): """ 'Like' a SharedFile. mlkshk doesn't allow you to unlike a sharedfile, so this is ~~permanent~~. Args: sharekey (str): Sharekey for the file you want to 'like'. Returns: Either a SharedFile on success, or an exception on error. """ if not sharekey: raise Exception( "You must specify a sharekey of the file you" "want to 'like'.") endpoint = '/api/sharedfile/{sharekey}/like'.format(sharekey=sharekey) data = self._make_request("POST", endpoint=endpoint, data=None) try: sf = SharedFile.NewFromJSON(data) sf.liked = True return sf except: raise Exception("{0}".format(data['error']))
[docs] def save_shared_file(self, sharekey=None): """ Save a SharedFile to your Shake. Args: sharekey (str): Sharekey for the file to save. Returns: SharedFile saved to your shake. """ endpoint = '/api/sharedfile/{sharekey}/save'.format(sharekey=sharekey) data = self._make_request("POST", endpoint=endpoint, data=None) try: sf = SharedFile.NewFromJSON(data) sf.saved = True return sf except: raise Exception("{0}".format(data['error']))
[docs] def get_friends_shake(self, before=None, after=None): """ Contrary to the endpoint naming, this resource is for a list of SharedFiles from your friends on mlkshk. Returns: List of SharedFiles. """ if before and after: raise Exception("You cannot specify both before and after keys") endpoint = '/api/friends' if before: endpoint += '/before/{0}'.format(before) elif after: endpoint += '/after/{0}'.format(after) data = self._make_request("GET", endpoint=endpoint) return [SharedFile.NewFromJSON(sf) for sf in data['friend_shake']]
[docs] def get_incoming_shake(self, before=None, after=None): """ Returns a list of the most recent SharedFiles on Args: before (str): get 10 SharedFile objects before (but not including) the SharedFile given by `before` for the Incoming Shake. after (str): get 10 SharedFile objects after (but not including) the SharedFile give by `after' for the Incoming Shake. Returns: List of SharedFile objects. """ if before and after: raise Exception("You cannot specify both before and after keys") endpoint = '/api/incoming' if before: endpoint += '/before/{0}'.format(before) elif after: endpoint += '/after/{0}'.format(after) data = self._make_request("GET", endpoint=endpoint) return [SharedFile.NewFromJSON(sf) for sf in data['incoming']]
[docs] def get_magic_shake(self, before=None, after=None): """ From the API: Returns the 10 most recent files accepted by the 'magic' file selection algorithm. Currently any files with 10 or more likes are magic. Returns: List of SharedFile objects """ if before and after: raise Exception("You cannot specify both before and after keys") endpoint = '/api/magicfiles' if before: endpoint += '/before/{key}'.format(key=before) elif after: endpoint += '/after/{key}'.format(key=after) data = self._make_request("GET", endpoint=endpoint) return [SharedFile.NewFromJSON(sf) for sf in data['magicfiles']]
[docs] def get_comments(self, sharekey=None): """ Retrieve comments on a SharedFile Args: sharekey (str): Sharekey for the file from which you want to return the set of comments. Returns: List of Comment objects. """ if not sharekey: raise Exception( "You must specify a sharekey of the file you" "want to 'like'.") endpoint = '/api/sharedfile/{0}/comments'.format(sharekey) data = self._make_request("GET", endpoint=endpoint) return [Comment.NewFromJSON(c) for c in data['comments']]
[docs] def post_comment(self, sharekey=None, comment=None): """ Post a comment on behalf of the current user to the SharedFile with the given sharekey. Args: sharekey (str): Sharekey of the SharedFile to which you'd like to post a comment. comment (str): Text of the comment to post. Returns: Comment object. """ endpoint = '/api/sharedfile/{0}/comments'.format(sharekey) post_data = {'body': comment} data = self._make_request("POST", endpoint=endpoint, data=post_data) return Comment.NewFromJSON(data)
[docs] def post_shared_file(self, image_file=None, source_link=None, shake_id=None, title=None, description=None): """ Upload an image. TODO: Don't have a pro account to test (or even write) code to upload a shared filed to a particular shake. Args: image_file (str): path to an image (jpg/gif) on your computer. source_link (str): URL of a source (youtube/vine/etc.) shake_id (int): shake to which to upload the file or source_link [optional] title (str): title of the SharedFile [optional] description (str): description of the SharedFile Returns: SharedFile key. """ if image_file and source_link: raise Exception('You can only specify an image file or ' 'a source link, not both.') if not image_file and not source_link: raise Exception('You must specify an image file or a source link') content_type = self._get_image_type(image_file) if not title: title = os.path.basename(image_file) f = open(image_file, 'rb') endpoint = '/api/upload' files = {'file': (title, f, content_type)} data = self._make_request('POST', endpoint=endpoint, files=files) f.close() return data
[docs] def update_shared_file(self, sharekey=None, title=None, description=None): """ Update the editable details (just the title and description) of a SharedFile. Args: sharekey (str): Sharekey of the SharedFile to update. title (Optional[str]): Title of the SharedFile. description (Optional[str]): Description of the SharedFile Returns: SharedFile on success, 404 on Sharekey not found, 403 on unauthorized. """ if not sharekey: raise Exception( "You must specify a sharekey for the sharedfile" "you wish to update.") if not (title or description): raise Exception("You must specify a title or description.") post_data = {} if title: post_data['title'] = title if description: post_data['description'] = description endpoint = '/api/sharedfile/{0}'.format(sharekey) data = self._make_request('POST', endpoint=endpoint, data=post_data) return SharedFile.NewFromJSON(data)