Source code for pyshk.errors

from __future__ import print_function

import re

[docs]class ApiResponseUnauthorized(Exception): """ Handle errors with authenticating the API instance """ def __init__(self, response): vals = ['status_code', 'headers', 'reason'] [setattr(self, var, getattr(response, var)) for var in vars(response) if var in vals] def __repr__(self): return ( "Mlkshk Error: {status} {reason}").format( status=self.status_code, reason=self.reason)
[docs]class ApiInstanceUnauthorized(Exception): def __init__(self): self.reason = ("API Instance is unauthorized. You must provide " "a Consumer Key, Consumer Token, Access Key, and " "Access Secret. You can call get_auth() on your " "API instance to get the access key and secret after " "creating your application on") super(ApiInstanceUnauthorized, self).__init__(self.reason)
[docs]class NotFound404(Exception): """ Handle errors with 404 Not Found Status Codes """ def __init__(self, response): vals = ['status_code', 'headers', 'reason'] [setattr(self, var, getattr(response, var)) for var in vars(response) if var in vals] self.url = response.url def __repr__(self): return ( "404 Not Found: ({url})").format( url=self.url)